Samsung Galaxy S4 set for May 4 launch in Singapore?

Samsung previously told us that its flagship handset, the Galaxy S4, will be launched in May, while other online reports pinned the date down to the "first week of May". We've just received word that an event dubbed the "Samsung Fashion Steps Out 2013" will be happening on May 4 in "celebration of the launch" of the smartphone.
Putting two and two together, it would seem like the Galaxy handset will be launching on Star Wars Day, though a Samsung spokesperson said that the retail date was still "to be confirmed".
If you're planning to get the S4, hopefully, an air-conditioned force will be with you, especially if you're planning to get in line. Last year's lines were pretty long, and given the current heatwave in Singapore, it's probably a good idea to bring plenty of fluids along.
And make sure you do a pre-order at the local telcos' Web site, which starts on April 17, if you want to be assured of getting a handset to call your own. Alternatively, you can pop by Samsung Experience Stores (in Singapore) from the same date to pre-order with a S$50 deposit.


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